/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC; import org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleControlAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleControlEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer; import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeListener; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseMoveListener; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseTrackAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseTrackListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Cursor; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tracker; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuListener; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources; import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener; import org.eclipse.jface.util.TransferDropTargetListener; import org.eclipse.ui.IMemento; import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveListener; import org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages; import org.eclipse.ui.IViewReference; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.eclipse.ui.XMLMemento; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ActionEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ActionListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Border; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Button; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ButtonBorder; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FocusEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FocusListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.draw2d.LightweightSystem; import org.eclipse.draw2d.MarginBorder; import org.eclipse.draw2d.PositionConstants; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Triangle; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalViewer; import org.eclipse.gef.SharedCursors; import org.eclipse.gef.dnd.TemplateTransfer; import org.eclipse.gef.internal.GEFMessages; import org.eclipse.gef.internal.InternalImages; import org.eclipse.gef.internal.ui.palette.PaletteColorUtil; import org.eclipse.gef.ui.views.palette.PaletteView; /** * The FlyoutPaletteComposite is used to show a flyout palette alongside another control. * The flyout palette auto-hides (thus maximizing space) when not in use, but can also be * pinned open if so desired. It will only be visible when the PaletteView is not. * * @author Pratik Shah * @since 3.0 */ public class FlyoutPaletteComposite extends Composite { private static final FontManager FONT_MGR = new FontManager(); private static final String PROPERTY_PALETTE_WIDTH = "org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.fpa.paletteWidth"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PROPERTY_STATE = "org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.fpa.state"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PROPERTY_DOCK_LOCATION = "org.eclipse.gef.ui.palette.fpa.dock"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final int DEFAULT_PALETTE_SIZE = 125; private static final int MIN_PALETTE_SIZE = 20; private static final int MAX_PALETTE_SIZE = 500; private static final int STATE_HIDDEN = 8; private static final int STATE_EXPANDED = 1; private static final Dimension ARROW_SIZE = new Dimension(6, 11); private static final int SASH_BUTTON_WIDTH = 11; /** * One of the two possible initial states of the flyout palette. This is the default one. * When in this state, only the flyout palette's sash is visible. */ public static final int STATE_COLLAPSED = 2; /** * One of the two possible initial states of the flyout palette. When in this state, * the flyout palette is completely visible and pinned open so that it doesn't disappear * when the user wanders away from the flyout. */ public static final int STATE_PINNED_OPEN = 4; private PropertyChangeSupport listeners = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); private Composite paletteContainer; private PaletteViewer pViewer, externalViewer; private IMemento capturedPaletteState; private Control graphicalControl; private Composite sash; private PaletteViewerProvider provider; private FlyoutPreferences prefs; private Point cachedBounds = new Point(0, 0); /* * Fix for Bug# 71525 * transferFocus is used to transfer focus from the button in the vertical sash title * to the button in the horizontal paletteComposite title. When either button is pressed * it is set to true, and when either the sash or the paletteComposite gets notified of * the change in state, they transfer the focus to their button if this flag is set to * true and if that button is visible. */ private boolean transferFocus = false; private int dock = PositionConstants.EAST; private int paletteState = STATE_HIDDEN; private int paletteWidth = DEFAULT_PALETTE_SIZE; private int minWidth = MIN_PALETTE_SIZE; private int cachedSize = -1, cachedState = -1, cachedLocation = -1; private int cachedTitleHeight = 24; // give it a default value private IPerspectiveListener perspectiveListener = new IPerspectiveListener() { public void perspectiveActivated(IWorkbenchPage page, IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) { handlePerspectiveActivated(page, perspective); } public void perspectiveChanged(IWorkbenchPage page, IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective, String changeId) { handlePerspectiveChanged(page, perspective, changeId); } }; /** * Constructor * * @param parent The parent Composite * @param style The style of the widget to construct; only SWT.BORDER is allowed * @param page The current workbench page * @param pvProvider The provider that is to be used to create the flyout palette * @param preferences To save/retrieve the preferences for the flyout */ public FlyoutPaletteComposite(Composite parent, int style, IWorkbenchPage page, PaletteViewerProvider pvProvider, FlyoutPreferences preferences) { super(parent, style & SWT.BORDER); provider = pvProvider; prefs = preferences; sash = createSash(); paletteContainer = createPaletteContainer(); hookIntoWorkbench(page.getWorkbenchWindow()); // Initialize the state properly if (prefs.getPaletteWidth() <= 0) prefs.setPaletteWidth(DEFAULT_PALETTE_SIZE); setPaletteWidth(prefs.getPaletteWidth()); setDockLocation(prefs.getDockLocation()); updateState(page); addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { Rectangle area = getClientArea(); /* * @TODO:Pratik * Sometimes, the editor is resized to 1,1 or 0,0 (depending on the platform) * when the editor is closed or maximized. We have to ignore such resizes. * See Bug# 62748 */ if (area.width > minWidth) layout(true); } }); listeners.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String property = evt.getPropertyName(); if (property.equals(PROPERTY_PALETTE_WIDTH)) prefs.setPaletteWidth(paletteWidth); else if (property.equals(PROPERTY_DOCK_LOCATION)) prefs.setDockLocation(dock); else if (property.equals(PROPERTY_STATE)) if (paletteState == STATE_COLLAPSED || paletteState == STATE_PINNED_OPEN) prefs.setPaletteState(paletteState); } }); } private void addListenerToCtrlHierarchy(Control parent, int eventType, Listener listener) { parent.addListener(eventType, listener); if (!(parent instanceof Composite)) return; Control[] children = ((Composite)parent).getChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { addListenerToCtrlHierarchy(children[i], eventType, listener); } } private IMemento capturePaletteState(PaletteViewer viewer) { IMemento memento = XMLMemento.createWriteRoot("paletteState"); //$NON-NLS-1$ try { viewer.saveState(memento); } catch (RuntimeException re) { // Bug 74843 -- See comment #1 // If there's a problem with saving the palette's state, it simply won't be // transferred to the new palette memento = null; /* * @TODO:Pratik You should log this exception. */ } return memento; } private Control createFlyoutControlButton(Composite parent) { return new ButtonCanvas(parent); } /** * This is a convenient method to get a default FlyoutPreferences object. The returned * FlyoutPreferences does not save any changes made to the given * {@link Preferences Preferences}. It's upto the owner plugin to * {@link Plugin#savePluginPreferences() save} the changes before it * {@link Plugin#stop(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext) stops}. * @param prefs {@link Plugin#getPluginPreferences() a plugin's Preferences} * @return a default implementation of FlyoutPreferences that stores the settings in the * given Preferences * @since 3.2 */ public static FlyoutPreferences createFlyoutPreferences(Preferences prefs) { return new DefaultFlyoutPreferences(prefs); } private Composite createPaletteContainer() { return new PaletteComposite(this, SWT.NONE); } private Composite createSash() { return new Sash(this, SWT.NONE); } private Control createTitle(Composite parent, boolean isHorizontal) { return new TitleCanvas(parent, isHorizontal); } private Control getPaletteViewerControl() { Control result = null; if (pViewer != null) result = pViewer.getControl(); // Fix for bug 101703 -- pViewer.getControl().getParent() might be parented // by paletteContainer if (result != null && !result.isDisposed() && result.getParent() != paletteContainer) result = result.getParent(); return result; } private void handlePerspectiveActivated(IWorkbenchPage page, IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective) { updateState(page); } private void handlePerspectiveChanged(IWorkbenchPage page, IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective, String changeId) { if (changeId.equals(IWorkbenchPage.CHANGE_VIEW_SHOW) || changeId.equals(IWorkbenchPage.CHANGE_VIEW_HIDE)) updateState(page); } // Will return false if the ancestor or descendant is null private boolean isDescendantOf(Control ancestor, Control descendant) { if (ancestor == null || descendant == null) return false; while (descendant != null) { if (ancestor == descendant) return true; descendant = descendant.getParent(); } return false; } private boolean isInState(int state) { return (paletteState & state) != 0; } private boolean isMirrored() { return (getStyle() & SWT.MIRRORED) != 0; } /** * @see Composite#layout(boolean) */ public void layout(boolean changed) { if (graphicalControl == null || graphicalControl.isDisposed()) return; Rectangle area = getClientArea(); if (area.width == 0 || area.height == 0) return; int sashWidth = sash.computeSize(-1, -1).x; int pWidth = paletteWidth; int maxWidth = Math.min(area.width / 2, MAX_PALETTE_SIZE); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, minWidth); pWidth = Math.max(pWidth, minWidth); pWidth = Math.min(pWidth, maxWidth); /* * Fix for Bug# 65892 * Laying out only when necessary helps reduce flicker on GTK in the case where the * flyout palette is being resized past its maximum size. */ if (paletteState == cachedState && pWidth == cachedSize && cachedLocation == dock && cachedBounds == getSize()) return; cachedState = paletteState; cachedSize = pWidth; cachedLocation = dock; cachedBounds = getSize(); setRedraw(false); if (isInState(STATE_HIDDEN)) { sash.setVisible(false); paletteContainer.setVisible(false); graphicalControl.setBounds(area); } else if (dock == PositionConstants.EAST) layoutComponentsEast(area, sashWidth, pWidth); else layoutComponentsWest(area, sashWidth, pWidth); sash.layout(); setRedraw(true); update(); } private void layoutComponentsEast(Rectangle area, int sashWidth, int pWidth) { if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) { paletteContainer.setVisible(false); sash.setBounds(area.x + area.width - sashWidth, area.y, sashWidth, area.height); graphicalControl.setBounds(area.x, area.y, area.width - sashWidth, area.height); sash.setVisible(true); } else if (isInState(STATE_EXPANDED)) { paletteContainer.moveAbove(graphicalControl); sash.moveAbove(paletteContainer); paletteContainer.setBounds(area.x + area.width - pWidth, area.y, pWidth, area.height); sash.setBounds(area.x + area.width - pWidth - sashWidth, area.y, sashWidth, area.height); graphicalControl.setBounds(area.x, area.y, area.width - sashWidth, area.height); sash.setVisible(true); paletteContainer.setVisible(true); } else if (isInState(STATE_PINNED_OPEN)) { paletteContainer.setBounds(area.x + area.width - pWidth, area.y, pWidth, area.height); sash.setBounds(area.x + area.width - pWidth - sashWidth, area.y, sashWidth, area.height); graphicalControl.setBounds(area.x, area.y, area.width - sashWidth - pWidth, area.height); sash.setVisible(true); paletteContainer.setVisible(true); } } private void layoutComponentsWest(Rectangle area, int sashWidth, int pWidth) { if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) { sash.setVisible(true); paletteContainer.setVisible(false); sash.setBounds(area.x, area.y, sashWidth, area.height); graphicalControl.setBounds(area.x + sashWidth, area.y, area.width - sashWidth, area.height); } else if (isInState(STATE_EXPANDED)) { sash.setVisible(true); paletteContainer.setVisible(true); paletteContainer.moveAbove(graphicalControl); sash.moveAbove(paletteContainer); paletteContainer.setBounds(area.x, area.y, pWidth, area.height); sash.setBounds(area.x + pWidth, area.y, sashWidth, area.height); graphicalControl.setBounds(area.x + sashWidth, area.y, area.width - sashWidth, area.height); } else if (isInState(STATE_PINNED_OPEN)) { sash.setVisible(true); paletteContainer.setVisible(true); paletteContainer.setBounds(area.x, area.y, pWidth, area.height); sash.setBounds(area.x + pWidth, area.y, sashWidth, area.height); graphicalControl.setBounds(area.x + pWidth + sashWidth, area.y, area.width - sashWidth - pWidth, area.height); } } private void hookIntoWorkbench(final IWorkbenchWindow window) { window.addPerspectiveListener(perspectiveListener); addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { window.removePerspectiveListener(perspectiveListener); perspectiveListener = null; } }); } private boolean restorePaletteState(PaletteViewer newPalette, IMemento state) { if (state != null) { try { return newPalette.restoreState(state); } catch (RuntimeException re) { /* * @TODO:Pratik You should log this exception */ } } return false; } /** * If an external palette viewer is provided, palette state (that is captured in {@link * PaletteViewer#saveState(IMemento)} -- active tool, drawer expansion state, drawer pin * state, etc.) will be maintained when switching between the two viewers. Providing an * external viewer, although recommended, is optional. * * @param viewer The palette viewer used in the PaletteView */ public void setExternalViewer(PaletteViewer viewer) { if (viewer == null && externalViewer != null) capturedPaletteState = capturePaletteState(externalViewer); externalViewer = viewer; if (externalViewer != null && pViewer != null) transferState(pViewer, externalViewer); } private void setDockLocation(int position) { if (position != PositionConstants.EAST && position != PositionConstants.WEST) return; if (position != dock) { int oldPosition = dock; dock = position; listeners.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_DOCK_LOCATION, oldPosition, dock); if (pViewer != null) layout(true); } } private void setPaletteWidth(int newSize) { if (paletteWidth != newSize) { int oldValue = paletteWidth; paletteWidth = newSize; listeners.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_PALETTE_WIDTH, oldValue, paletteWidth); if (pViewer != null) layout(true); } } /** * Sets the control along the side of which the palette is to be displayed. The given * Control should be a child of this Composite. This method should only be invoked once. * * @param graphicalViewer the control of the graphical viewer; cannot be * <code>null</code> */ public void setGraphicalControl(Control graphicalViewer) { Assert.isTrue(graphicalViewer != null); Assert.isTrue(graphicalViewer.getParent() == this); Assert.isTrue(graphicalControl == null); graphicalControl = graphicalViewer; addListenerToCtrlHierarchy(graphicalControl, SWT.MouseEnter, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { if (!isInState(STATE_EXPANDED)) return; Display.getCurrent().timerExec(250, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (isDescendantOf(graphicalControl, Display.getCurrent().getCursorControl()) && isInState(STATE_EXPANDED)) setState(STATE_COLLAPSED); } }); } }); } /* * @TODO:Pratik For 4.0, change the parameter of this method to be EditpartViewer * instead of GraphicalViewer. */ /** * This method hooks a DropTargetListener that collapses the flyout patette when the user * drags something from the palette and moves the cursor to the primary viewer's * control. If the auto-hide feature of the palette is to work properly when dragging, * this method should be called before any other drop target listeners are added to the * primary viewer. * * @param viewer the primary viewer */ public void hookDropTargetListener(GraphicalViewer viewer) { viewer.addDropTargetListener(new TransferDropTargetListener() { public void dragEnter(DropTargetEvent event) { } public void dragLeave(DropTargetEvent event) { } public void dragOperationChanged(DropTargetEvent event) { } public void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) { } public void drop(DropTargetEvent event) { } public void dropAccept(DropTargetEvent event) { } public Transfer getTransfer() { return TemplateTransfer.getInstance(); } public boolean isEnabled(DropTargetEvent event) { if (isInState(STATE_EXPANDED)) setState(STATE_COLLAPSED); return false; } }); } /* * If the given state is invalid (as could be the case when * FlyoutPreferences.getPaletteState() is invoked for the first time), it will be * defaulted to STATE_COLLAPSED. */ private void setState(int newState) { /* * Fix for Bug# 69617 and Bug# 81248 * FlyoutPreferences.getPaletteState() could return an invalid state if none is * stored. In that case, we use the default state: STATE_COLLAPSED. */ if (newState != STATE_HIDDEN && newState != STATE_PINNED_OPEN && newState != STATE_EXPANDED) newState = STATE_COLLAPSED; if (paletteState == newState) return; int oldState = paletteState; paletteState = newState; switch (paletteState) { case STATE_EXPANDED: case STATE_COLLAPSED: case STATE_PINNED_OPEN: if (pViewer == null) { pViewer = provider.createPaletteViewer(paletteContainer); if (externalViewer != null) transferState(externalViewer, pViewer); else restorePaletteState(pViewer, capturedPaletteState); capturedPaletteState = null; minWidth = Math.max(pViewer.getControl().computeSize(0, 0).x, MIN_PALETTE_SIZE); } break; case STATE_HIDDEN: if (pViewer == null) break; if (externalViewer != null) { provider.getEditDomain().setPaletteViewer(externalViewer); transferState(pViewer, externalViewer); } if (provider.getEditDomain().getPaletteViewer() == pViewer) provider.getEditDomain().setPaletteViewer(null); Control pViewerCtrl = getPaletteViewerControl(); if (pViewerCtrl != null && !pViewerCtrl.isDisposed()) pViewerCtrl.dispose(); pViewer = null; } /* * Fix for Bug# 63901 * When the flyout collapses, if the palette has focus, throw focus to the * graphical control. That way, hitting ESC will still deactivate the current tool * and load the default one. * Note that focus is being set on RulerComposite and not GraphicalViewer's * control. But this is okay since RulerComposite passes the focus on to its * first child, which is the graphical viewer's control. */ if (paletteState == STATE_COLLAPSED && pViewer.getControl().isFocusControl()) graphicalControl.setFocus(); layout(true); listeners.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_STATE, oldState, newState); } private void transferState(PaletteViewer src, PaletteViewer dest) { restorePaletteState(dest, capturePaletteState(src)); } private void updateState(IWorkbenchPage page) { IViewReference view = page.findViewReference(PaletteView.ID); if (view == null && isInState(STATE_HIDDEN)) setState(prefs.getPaletteState()); if (view != null && !isInState(STATE_HIDDEN)) setState(STATE_HIDDEN); } /** * FlyoutPreferences is used to save/load the preferences for the flyout palette. * * @author Pratik Shah * @since 3.0 */ public interface FlyoutPreferences { /** * Should return {@link PositionConstants#EAST} or {@link PositionConstants#WEST}. * Any other int will be ignored and the default dock location (EAST) will be * used instead. * @return the saved dock location of the Palette */ int getDockLocation(); /** * When there is no saved state, this method can return any non-positive int (which * will result in the palette using the default state -- collapsed), or * {@link FlyoutPaletteComposite#STATE_COLLAPSED}, or * {@link FlyoutPaletteComposite#STATE_PINNED_OPEN} * @return the saved state of the palette */ int getPaletteState(); /** * When there is no saved width, this method can return any int (preferrably a * non-positive int). Returning a non-positive int will cause the palette to be * sized to the default size, whereas returning a postive int will find the * closest match in the valid range (>= minimum and <= maximum) * @return the saved width of the flyout palette */ int getPaletteWidth(); /** * This method is invoked when the flyout palette's dock location is changed. The * provided dock location should be persisted and returned in * {@link #getDockLocation()}. * @param location {@link PositionConstants#EAST} or {@link PositionConstants#WEST} */ void setDockLocation(int location); /** * This method is invoked when the flyout palette's state is changed (the new state * becomes the default). The provided state should be persisted and returned in * {@link #getPaletteState()}. * @param state {@link FlyoutPaletteComposite#STATE_COLLAPSED} or * {@link FlyoutPaletteComposite#STATE_PINNED_OPEN} */ void setPaletteState(int state); /** * This method is invoked when the flyout palette is resized. The provided width * should be persisted and returned in {@link #getPaletteWidth()}. * @param width the new size of the flyout palette */ void setPaletteWidth(int width); } private class Sash extends Composite { private Control button; public Sash(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, style); button = createFlyoutControlButton(this); new SashDragManager(); addMouseTrackListener(new MouseTrackAdapter() { public void mouseHover(MouseEvent e) { if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) setState(STATE_EXPANDED); } }); addListener(SWT.Paint, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { paintSash(event.gc); } }); addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { layout(true); } }); listeners.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(PROPERTY_STATE)) updateState(); } }); } public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) { if (isInState(STATE_PINNED_OPEN)) return new Point(3, 3); // button size plus two pixels for the two lines to be drawn return new Point(SASH_BUTTON_WIDTH + 2, cachedTitleHeight); } private void handleSashDragged(int shiftAmount) { int newSize = paletteContainer.getBounds().width + (dock == PositionConstants.EAST ? -shiftAmount : shiftAmount); setPaletteWidth(newSize); } public void layout(boolean changed) { if (button == null) return; if (isInState(STATE_PINNED_OPEN)) { button.setVisible(false); return; } button.setVisible(true); Rectangle area = getClientArea(); button.setBounds(area.x + 1, area.y + 1, SASH_BUTTON_WIDTH, cachedTitleHeight - 1); if (transferFocus) { transferFocus = false; button.setFocus(); } } private void paintSash(GC gc) { Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); if (isInState(STATE_PINNED_OPEN)) { gc.setBackground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_BACKGROUND); gc.fillRectangle(0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height); gc.setForeground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_LIST_BACKGROUND); gc.drawLine(0, 0, bounds.width, 0); gc.setForeground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); gc.drawLine(0, bounds.height - 1, bounds.width - 1, bounds.height - 1); gc.setForeground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_LIST_BACKGROUND); gc.drawLine(0, 0, 0, bounds.height); gc.setForeground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); gc.drawLine(bounds.width - 1, 0, bounds.width - 1, bounds.height - 1); } else { gc.setForeground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); gc.drawLine(0, 0, 0, bounds.height); gc.drawLine(bounds.width - 1, 0, bounds.width - 1, bounds.height); gc.setForeground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_LIST_BACKGROUND); gc.drawLine(1, 0, 1, bounds.height); gc.setForeground(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_BACKGROUND_LIST_BACKGROUND_85); gc.drawLine(2, 0, 2, bounds.height); } } private void updateState() { setCursor(isInState(STATE_EXPANDED | STATE_PINNED_OPEN) ? SharedCursors.SIZEWE : null); } private class SashDragManager extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMoveListener { protected boolean dragging = false; protected boolean correctState = false; protected boolean mouseDown = false; protected int origX; protected Listener keyListener = new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { if (event.keyCode == SWT.ALT || event.keyCode == SWT.ESC) { dragging = false; Display.getCurrent().removeFilter(SWT.KeyDown, this); } event.doit = false; event.type = SWT.None; } }; public SashDragManager() { Sash.this.addMouseMoveListener(this); Sash.this.addMouseListener(this); } public void mouseDown(MouseEvent me) { if (me.button != 1) return; mouseDown = true; correctState = isInState(STATE_EXPANDED | STATE_PINNED_OPEN); origX = me.x; Display.getCurrent().addFilter(SWT.KeyDown, keyListener); } public void mouseMove(MouseEvent me) { if (mouseDown) dragging = true; if (dragging && correctState) handleSashDragged(me.x - origX); } public void mouseUp(MouseEvent me) { Display.getCurrent().removeFilter(SWT.KeyDown, keyListener); if (!dragging && me.button == 1) { if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) setState(STATE_EXPANDED); else if (isInState(STATE_EXPANDED)) setState(STATE_COLLAPSED); } dragging = false; correctState = false; mouseDown = false; } } } private class ResizeAction extends Action { public ResizeAction() { super(PaletteMessages.RESIZE_LABEL); } public boolean isEnabled() { return !isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED); } public void run() { final Tracker tracker = new Tracker(FlyoutPaletteComposite.this, SWT.RIGHT | SWT.LEFT); Rectangle[] rects = new Rectangle[1]; rects[0] = sash.getBounds(); tracker.setCursor(SharedCursors.SIZEE); tracker.setRectangles(rects); if (tracker.open()) { int deltaX = sash.getBounds().x - tracker.getRectangles()[0].x; if (dock == PositionConstants.WEST) deltaX = -deltaX; setPaletteWidth(paletteContainer.getBounds().width + deltaX); } tracker.dispose(); } } private class TitleDragManager extends MouseAdapter implements Listener, MouseTrackListener { protected boolean switchDock = false; protected boolean dragging = false; protected int threshold; public TitleDragManager(Control ctrl) { ctrl.addListener(SWT.DragDetect, this); ctrl.addMouseListener(this); ctrl.addMouseTrackListener(this); } public void handleEvent(Event event) { dragging = true; switchDock = false; threshold = dock == PositionConstants.EAST ? Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2 : -1; final Composite flyout = FlyoutPaletteComposite.this; final Rectangle flyoutBounds = flyout.getBounds(); final int switchThreshold = flyoutBounds.x + (flyoutBounds.width / 2); Rectangle bounds = sash.getBounds(); if (paletteContainer.getVisible()) bounds = bounds.union(paletteContainer.getBounds()); final Rectangle origBounds = Display.getCurrent().map(flyout, null, bounds); final Tracker tracker = new Tracker(Display.getDefault(), SWT.NULL); tracker.setRectangles(new Rectangle[] {origBounds}); tracker.setStippled(true); tracker.addListener(SWT.Move, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(final Event evt) { Display.getCurrent().syncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { Control ctrl = Display.getCurrent().getCursorControl(); Point pt = flyout.toControl(evt.x, evt.y); switchDock = isDescendantOf(graphicalControl, ctrl) && ((dock == PositionConstants.WEST && pt.x > threshold - 10) || (dock == PositionConstants.EAST && pt.x < threshold + 10)); boolean invalid = false; if (!switchDock) invalid = !isDescendantOf(FlyoutPaletteComposite.this, ctrl); if (switchDock) { if (dock == PositionConstants.WEST) { threshold = Math.max(threshold, pt.x); threshold = Math.min(threshold, switchThreshold); } else { threshold = Math.min(threshold, pt.x); threshold = Math.max(threshold, switchThreshold); } } Rectangle placeHolder = origBounds; if (switchDock) { if (dock == PositionConstants.EAST) placeHolder = new Rectangle(0, 0, origBounds.width, origBounds.height); else placeHolder = new Rectangle(flyoutBounds.width - origBounds.width, 0, origBounds.width, origBounds.height); placeHolder = Display.getCurrent().map(flyout, null, placeHolder); } // update the cursor int cursor; if (invalid) cursor = DragCursors.INVALID; else if ((!switchDock && dock == PositionConstants.EAST) || (switchDock && dock == PositionConstants.WEST)) cursor = DragCursors.RIGHT; else cursor = DragCursors.LEFT; if (isMirrored()) { if (cursor == DragCursors.RIGHT) cursor = DragCursors.LEFT; else if (cursor == DragCursors.LEFT) cursor = DragCursors.RIGHT; } tracker.setCursor(DragCursors.getCursor(cursor)); // update the rectangle only if it has changed if (!tracker.getRectangles()[0].equals(placeHolder)) tracker.setRectangles(new Rectangle[] {placeHolder}); } }); } }); if (tracker.open()) { if (switchDock) setDockLocation(PositionConstants.EAST_WEST & ~dock); // mouse up is received by the tracker and by this listener, so we set dragging // to be false dragging = false; } tracker.dispose(); } public void mouseEnter(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExit(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseHover(MouseEvent e) { /* * @TODO:Pratik Mouse hover events are received if the hover occurs just before * you finish or cancel the drag. Open a bugzilla about it? */ if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) setState(STATE_EXPANDED); } public void mouseUp(MouseEvent me) { if (me.button != 1) return; if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) setState(STATE_EXPANDED); else if (isInState(STATE_EXPANDED)) setState(STATE_COLLAPSED); } } private class PaletteComposite extends Composite { protected Control button, title; public PaletteComposite(Composite parent, int style) { super(parent, style); createComponents(); listeners.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(PROPERTY_STATE)) updateState(); else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(PROPERTY_DOCK_LOCATION)) if (getVisible()) layout(true); } }); addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { layout(true); } }); updateState(); } protected void createComponents() { title = createTitle(this, true); button = createFlyoutControlButton(this); } public void layout(boolean changed) { Control pCtrl = getPaletteViewerControl(); if (pCtrl == null || pCtrl.isDisposed()) return; Rectangle area = getClientArea(); boolean buttonVisible = button.getVisible(); Point titleSize = title.computeSize(-1, -1); Point buttonSize = buttonVisible ? button.computeSize(-1, -1) : new Point(0, 0); cachedTitleHeight = Math.max(titleSize.y, buttonSize.y); if (buttonVisible) { buttonSize.x = Math.max(cachedTitleHeight, buttonSize.x); } if (dock == PositionConstants.EAST) { int buttonX = area.width - buttonSize.x; button.setBounds(buttonX, 0, buttonSize.x, cachedTitleHeight); title.setBounds(0, 0, buttonX, cachedTitleHeight); } else { int titleX = buttonSize.x; button.setBounds(0, 0, buttonSize.x, cachedTitleHeight); title.setBounds(titleX, 0, area.width - titleX, cachedTitleHeight); } area.y += cachedTitleHeight; area.height -= cachedTitleHeight; pCtrl.setBounds(area); } protected void updateState() { button.setVisible(isInState(STATE_PINNED_OPEN)); if (transferFocus && button.getVisible()) { transferFocus = false; button.setFocus(); } layout(true); } } private static class TitleLabel extends Label { protected static final Border BORDER = new MarginBorder(4, 3, 4, 3); protected static final Border TOOL_TIP_BORDER = new MarginBorder(0, 2, 0, 2); public TitleLabel(boolean isHorizontal) { super(GEFMessages.Palette_Label, InternalImages.get(InternalImages.IMG_PALETTE)); setLabelAlignment(PositionConstants.LEFT); setBorder(BORDER); Label tooltip = new Label(getText()); tooltip.setBorder(TOOL_TIP_BORDER); setToolTip(tooltip); setForegroundColor(ColorConstants.listForeground); } public IFigure getToolTip() { if (isTextTruncated()) return super.getToolTip(); return null; } protected void paintFigure(Graphics graphics) { // paint the gradient graphics.pushState(); org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle r = org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle.SINGLETON; r.setBounds(getBounds()); graphics.setForegroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_LIST_BACKGROUND); graphics.setBackgroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_BACKGROUND); graphics.fillGradient(r, true); // draw bottom border graphics.setForegroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); graphics.drawLine(r.getBottomLeft().getTranslated(0, -1), r.getBottomRight() .getTranslated(0, -1)); graphics.popState(); // paint the text and icon super.paintFigure(graphics); // paint the focus rectangle around the text if (hasFocus()) { org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle textBounds = getTextBounds(); // We reduce the width by 1 because FigureUtilities grows it by 1 unnecessarily textBounds.width--; graphics.drawFocus(bounds.getResized(-1, -1) .intersect(textBounds.getExpanded(getInsets()))); } } } private class ButtonCanvas extends Canvas { private LightweightSystem lws; public ButtonCanvas(Composite parent) { super(parent, SWT.NO_REDRAW_RESIZE | SWT.NO_BACKGROUND); init(); provideAccSupport(); } public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) { Dimension size = lws.getRootFigure().getPreferredSize(wHint, hHint); size.union(new Dimension(wHint, hHint)); return new org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point(size.width, size.height); } private int getArrowDirection() { int direction = PositionConstants.EAST; if (isInState(STATE_EXPANDED | STATE_PINNED_OPEN)) direction = dock == PositionConstants.WEST ? PositionConstants.WEST : PositionConstants.EAST; else direction = dock == PositionConstants.WEST ? PositionConstants.EAST : PositionConstants.WEST; if (isMirrored()) { if (direction == PositionConstants.WEST) direction = PositionConstants.EAST; else direction = PositionConstants.WEST; } return direction; } private String getButtonTooltipText() { if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) return PaletteMessages.PALETTE_SHOW; return PaletteMessages.PALETTE_HIDE; } private void init() { setCursor(SharedCursors.ARROW); lws = new LightweightSystem(); lws.setControl(this); final ArrowButton b = new ArrowButton(getArrowDirection()); b.setRolloverEnabled(true); b.setBorder(new ButtonBorder(ButtonBorder.SCHEMES.TOOLBAR)); b.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { transferFocus = true; if (isInState(STATE_COLLAPSED)) setState(STATE_PINNED_OPEN); else setState(STATE_COLLAPSED); } }); listeners.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(PROPERTY_STATE)) { b.setDirection(getArrowDirection()); setToolTipText(getButtonTooltipText()); } else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(PROPERTY_DOCK_LOCATION)) b.setDirection(getArrowDirection()); } }); lws.setContents(b); } private void provideAccSupport() { getAccessible().addAccessibleListener(new AccessibleAdapter() { public void getDescription(AccessibleEvent e) { e.result = PaletteMessages.ACC_DESC_PALETTE_BUTTON; } public void getHelp(AccessibleEvent e) { getDescription(e); } public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { e.result = getToolTipText(); } }); getAccessible().addAccessibleControlListener(new AccessibleControlAdapter() { public void getRole(AccessibleControlEvent e) { e.detail = ACC.ROLE_PUSHBUTTON; } }); } private class ArrowButton extends Button { private Triangle triangle; /** * Creates a new instance * * @param direction * the direction the arrow should face (PositionConstants.RIGHT or * PositionConstants.LEFT) */ public ArrowButton(int direction) { super(); setDirection(direction); triangle = new Triangle(); triangle.setOutline(true); triangle.setBackgroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_LIST_BACKGROUND); triangle.setForegroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_DARK_SHADOW); setContents(triangle); } public void setDirection(int direction) { if (triangle != null) { triangle.setDirection(direction); } } protected void layout() { org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle clientArea = getBounds(); triangle.setBounds(new org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle(clientArea .getCenter().getTranslated(-ARROW_SIZE.width / 2, -ARROW_SIZE.height / 2), ARROW_SIZE)); } protected void paintFigure(Graphics graphics) { super.paintFigure(graphics); // paint the gradient graphics.pushState(); org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle r = org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle.SINGLETON; r.setBounds(getBounds()); graphics.setForegroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_LIST_BACKGROUND); graphics.setBackgroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_BACKGROUND); graphics.fillGradient(r, true); graphics.popState(); // draw bottom border graphics.setForegroundColor(PaletteColorUtil.WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW); graphics.drawLine(r.getBottomLeft().getTranslated(0, -1), r.getBottomRight() .getTranslated(0, -1)); } } } private class TitleCanvas extends Canvas { private LightweightSystem lws; public TitleCanvas(Composite parent, boolean horizontal) { super(parent, SWT.NO_REDRAW_RESIZE | SWT.NO_BACKGROUND); init(horizontal); provideAccSupport(); } /** * @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control#computeSize(int, int, boolean) */ public Point computeSize(int wHint, int hHint, boolean changed) { Dimension size = lws.getRootFigure().getPreferredSize(wHint, hHint); size.union(new Dimension(wHint, hHint)); return new org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point(size.width, size.height); } private void init(boolean isHorizontal) { final IFigure contents = new TitleLabel(true); contents.setRequestFocusEnabled(true); contents.setFocusTraversable(true); contents.addFocusListener(new FocusListener() { public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) { fe.gainer.repaint(); } public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) { fe.loser.repaint(); } }); lws = new LightweightSystem(); lws.setControl(this); lws.setContents(contents); setCursor(SharedCursors.SIZEALL); FONT_MGR.register(this); new TitleDragManager(this); final MenuManager manager = new MenuManager(); MenuManager mgr = new MenuManager(PaletteMessages.DOCK_LABEL); mgr.add(new ChangeDockAction(PaletteMessages.LEFT_LABEL, PositionConstants.WEST)); mgr.add(new ChangeDockAction(PaletteMessages.RIGHT_LABEL, PositionConstants.EAST)); manager.add(new ResizeAction()); manager.add(mgr); setMenu(manager.createContextMenu(this)); mgr.addMenuListener(new IMenuListener() { public void menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager menuMgr) { IContributionItem[] items = menuMgr.getItems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { ((ActionContributionItem)items[i]).update(); } } }); addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { FONT_MGR.unregister(TitleCanvas.this); manager.dispose(); } }); } private void provideAccSupport() { getAccessible().addAccessibleListener(new AccessibleAdapter() { public void getDescription(AccessibleEvent e) { e.result = PaletteMessages.ACC_DESC_PALETTE_TITLE; } public void getHelp(AccessibleEvent e) { getDescription(e); } public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { e.result = GEFMessages.Palette_Label; } }); getAccessible().addAccessibleControlListener(new AccessibleControlAdapter() { public void getRole(AccessibleControlEvent e) { e.detail = ACC.ROLE_LABEL; } }); } public void setFont(Font font) { ((IFigure)lws.getRootFigure().getChildren().get(0)).setFont(font); if (isVisible()) { /* * If this canvas is in the sash, we want the FlyoutPaletteComposite * to layout (which will cause the sash to be resized and laid out). * However, if this canvas is in the paletteContainer, the * paletteContainer's bounds won't change, and hence it won't layout. * Thus, we also invoke getParent().layout(). */ FlyoutPaletteComposite.this.layout(true); getParent().layout(true); } } } private class ChangeDockAction extends Action { private int position; /** * Constructor * @param text this action's text * @param position the dock side that this action represents: * PositionConstants.EAST or PositionConstants.WEST */ public ChangeDockAction(String text, int position) { super(text, IAction.AS_RADIO_BUTTON); this.position = position; } /** * This Action is checked when the palette is docked on the side this action * represents * @see org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction#isChecked() */ public boolean isChecked() { return dock == position; } /** * Changes the palette's dock location to the side this action represents * @see org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction#run() */ public void run() { setDockLocation(position); } } private static class FontManager { private final String fontName = getFontType(); private List registrants = new ArrayList(); private Font titleFont; private final IPropertyChangeListener fontListener = new IPropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent event) { if (fontName.equals(event.getProperty())) handleFontChanged(); } }; private FontManager() { } protected final Font createTitleFont() { return JFaceResources.getFont(fontName); } protected void dispose() { titleFont = null; JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().removeListener(fontListener); } protected String getFontType() { return JFaceResources.DIALOG_FONT; } protected void handleFontChanged() { if (titleFont == null) return; Font oldFont = titleFont; titleFont = createTitleFont(); for (Iterator iter = registrants.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) ((Control)iter.next()).setFont(titleFont); oldFont.dispose(); } protected void init() { titleFont = createTitleFont(); JFaceResources.getFontRegistry().addListener(fontListener); } public void register(Control ctrl) { if (titleFont == null) init(); ctrl.setFont(titleFont); registrants.add(ctrl); } public void unregister(Control ctrl) { registrants.remove(ctrl); if (registrants.isEmpty()) dispose(); } } /** * Default implementation of FlyoutPreferences that stores the flyout palette settings * in the given Preferences. * @author Pratik Shah * @since 3.2 */ private static class DefaultFlyoutPreferences implements FlyoutPreferences { /* * There's no need to set the default for these properties since the default-default * of 0 for ints will suffice. */ private static final String PALETTE_DOCK_LOCATION = "org.eclipse.gef.pdock"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PALETTE_SIZE = "org.eclipse.gef.psize"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PALETTE_STATE = "org.eclipse.gef.pstate"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private Preferences prefs; private DefaultFlyoutPreferences(Preferences preferences) { prefs = preferences; } public int getDockLocation() { return prefs.getInt(PALETTE_DOCK_LOCATION); } public int getPaletteState() { return prefs.getInt(PALETTE_STATE); } public int getPaletteWidth() { return prefs.getInt(PALETTE_SIZE); } public void setDockLocation(int location) { prefs.setValue(PALETTE_DOCK_LOCATION, location); } public void setPaletteState(int state) { prefs.setValue(PALETTE_STATE, state); } public void setPaletteWidth(int width) { prefs.setValue(PALETTE_SIZE, width); } } private static class DragCursors { public static final int INVALID = 0; public static final int LEFT = 1; public static final int RIGHT = 2; private final static Cursor cursors[] = new Cursor[3]; /** * Return the cursor for a drop scenario, as identified by code. Code * must be one of INVALID, LEFT, RIGHT. If the code is not found default * to INVALID. Note that since these three cursors are static, they will * only be created once for the lifetime of the eclipse session and * shared (i.e this is not an image leak). * * @param code * the code * @return the cursor */ public static Cursor getCursor(int code) { Display display = Display.getCurrent(); if (cursors[code] == null) { ImageDescriptor source = null; ImageDescriptor mask = null; switch (code) { case LEFT: source = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages() .getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJS_DND_LEFT_SOURCE); mask = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages() .getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJS_DND_LEFT_MASK); cursors[LEFT] = new Cursor(display, source.getImageData(), mask .getImageData(), 16, 16); break; case RIGHT: source = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages() .getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJS_DND_RIGHT_SOURCE); mask = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages() .getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJS_DND_RIGHT_MASK); cursors[RIGHT] = new Cursor(display, source.getImageData(), mask.getImageData(), 16, 16); break; default: case INVALID: source = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages() .getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJS_DND_INVALID_SOURCE); mask = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages() .getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJS_DND_INVALID_MASK); cursors[INVALID] = new Cursor(display, source.getImageData(), mask.getImageData(), 16, 16); break; } } return cursors[code]; } } }